- Ce que nous faisons
Pricing Audit
Grâce à notre audit tarifaire, nous explorons en profondeur votre situation pour identifier comment votre tarification soutient ou freine votre croissance.
Stratégie Pricing
Notre processus de définition des prix permet d'élaborer une structure sur mesure qui résonne avec votre vision stratégique tout en répondant aux réalités du marché et aux exigences des clients.
Transformation Pricing
Nous assurons une implémentation fluide de votre stratégie pour des résultats et une efficacité opérationnelle optimaux.
Notre service de conseil continu et de coaching commercial offre un accompagnement permanent, aidant vos équipes à s'adapter aux défis en évolution et à favoriser une croissance durable, en phase avec vos objectifs et ceux de vos actionnaires.
Campagnes d'augmentation de prix
Nos campagnes d’augmentation des prix sont conçues pour vous aider à planifier et exécuter des hausses réfléchies et ciblées, afin de stimuler votre rentabilité sans compromettre vos relations clients.
Tous nos services
Nous apportons l'excellence en stratégie tarifaire à tous les secteurs, y compris le vôtre.
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Your Trusted Partner for Everything Pricing
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Past Engagements
We Drive Pricing Excellence Across Industries
We firmly believe that true innovation and success are not achieved by limiting yourself to a single industry. Rather, our approach as a pricing partner is focused on leveraging process know-how and recognising and leveraging synergies between different industries.
No matter your industry or business size, we believe that transparency, accountability, and measurable outcomes are the foundation of every successful partnership. Here’s how we work with each client type to build a relationship based on trust and results.
1. Business-to-Business (B2B)
Understanding Your Needs
As a B2B organisation, you face complex pricing and revenue challenges, often involving long sales cycles, diverse client segments, and multi-tiered pricing models. We know that your priority is to maximise value for your clients while maintaining profitability and efficiency in your operations.How We Build Trust
- Industry Expertise: Our team brings extensive experience working with B2B organisations across multiple sectors, enabling us to provide relevant, strategic insights.
- Custom Solutions: We design pricing models that align with your business structure, addressing everything from volume discounts to contract-based pricing.
- Transparency in Process: From initial consultation to implementation, we maintain open communication and detailed reporting to ensure you’re informed every step of the way.
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Understanding Your Needs
In the fast-paced B2C landscape, you need agile, customer-focused pricing strategies that can quickly respond to changing market demands. Whether it’s e-commerce, retail, or direct-to-consumer services, your pricing must resonate with your target audience while driving profitability.
How We Build Trust
- Customer Insights: Our data-driven approach leverages consumer behaviour insights to tailor pricing strategies that align with your customers’ expectations.
- Market Responsiveness: We create adaptable pricing strategies that allow you to respond to market trends and competitors swiftly, ensuring your offerings remain competitive.
- Enhanced Customer Perception: Through clear, fair pricing structures, we help you build customer loyalty and trust, minimising price sensitivity and fostering brand loyalty.
3. Private Equity (PE) Firms
Understanding Your Needs
As a private equity firm, you seek to maximize the value of your portfolio companies within defined timelines. We understand that efficient, profit-driven pricing strategies are critical to achieving your growth and exit goals.
How We Build Trust
- Focus on Value Creation: Our pricing strategies are designed to optimize revenue and profitability, enhancing portfolio value and positioning companies for successful exits.
- Performance-Driven Approach: We track key metrics and provide regular updates to ensure pricing initiatives are contributing to top-line growth and operational efficiency.
- Alignment with PE Objectives: We’re accustomed to working within the specific requirements of private equity environments, balancing long-term growth with the immediate financial goals of your portfolio.
4. Consultancies
Understanding Your Needs
As a consulting firm, you need a reliable pricing partner to enhance your client offerings and deliver added value. Our expertise can support your projects in revenue management, pricing transformation, and client profitability, providing an edge for your clients and enriching your service portfolio.How We Build Trust
- Complementary Expertise: We provide specialized pricing knowledge to support your client engagements, enhancing the depth and quality of your offerings.
- White-Label Solutions: We offer flexible collaboration models, including white-label options, ensuring seamless integration with your existing services.
- Client-Centric Approach: Our solutions are designed to reflect your client’s specific needs, aligning with your consulting framework while providing measurable, actionable results.
Understanding Your Needs
As a B2B organisation, you face complex pricing and revenue challenges, often involving long sales cycles, diverse client segments, and multi-tiered pricing models. We know that your priority is to maximise value for your clients while maintaining profitability and efficiency in your operations.
How We Build Trust
- Industry Expertise: Our team brings extensive experience working with B2B organisations across multiple sectors, enabling us to provide relevant, strategic insights.
- Custom Solutions: We design pricing models that align with your business structure, addressing everything from volume discounts to contract-based pricing.
- Transparency in Process: From initial consultation to implementation, we maintain open communication and detailed reporting to ensure you’re informed every step of the way.
Understanding Your Needs
In the fast-paced B2C landscape, you need agile, customer-focused pricing strategies that can quickly respond to changing market demands. Whether it’s e-commerce, retail, or direct-to-consumer services, your pricing must resonate with your target audience while driving profitability.
How We Build Trust
- Customer Insights: Our data-driven approach leverages consumer behaviour insights to tailor pricing strategies that align with your customers’ expectations.
- Market Responsiveness: We create adaptable pricing strategies that allow you to respond to market trends and competitors swiftly, ensuring your offerings remain competitive.
- Enhanced Customer Perception: Through clear, fair pricing structures, we help you build customer loyalty and trust, minimising price sensitivity and fostering brand loyalty.
Understanding Your Needs
As a private equity firm, you seek to maximize the value of your portfolio companies within defined timelines. We understand that efficient, profit-driven pricing strategies are critical to achieving your growth and exit goals.
How We Build Trust
- Focus on Value Creation: Our pricing strategies are designed to optimize revenue and profitability, enhancing portfolio value and positioning companies for successful exits.
- Performance-Driven Approach: We track key metrics and provide regular updates to ensure pricing initiatives are contributing to top-line growth and operational efficiency.
- Alignment with PE Objectives: We’re accustomed to working within the specific requirements of private equity environments, balancing long-term growth with the immediate financial goals of your portfolio.
Understanding Your Needs
As a consulting firm, you need a reliable pricing partner to enhance your client offerings and deliver added value. Our expertise can support your projects in revenue management, pricing transformation, and client profitability, providing an edge for your clients and enriching your service portfolio.
How We Build Trust
- Complementary Expertise: We provide specialized pricing knowledge to support your client engagements, enhancing the depth and quality of your offerings.
- White-Label Solutions: We offer flexible collaboration models, including white-label options, ensuring seamless integration with your existing services.
- Client-Centric Approach: Our solutions are designed to reflect your client’s specific needs, aligning with your consulting framework while providing measurable, actionable results.
Understanding Your Needs
As a B2B organisation, you face complex pricing and revenue challenges, often involving long sales cycles, diverse client segments, and multi-tiered pricing models. We know that your priority is to maximise value for your clients while maintaining profitability and efficiency in your operations.
How We Build Trust
- Industry Expertise: Our team brings extensive experience working with B2B organizations across multiple sectors, enabling us to provide relevant, strategic insights.
- Custom Solutions: We design pricing models that align with your business structure, addressing everything from volume discounts to contract-based pricing.
- Transparency in Process: From initial consultation to implementation, we maintain open communication and detailed reporting to ensure you’re informed every step of the way.
Understanding Your Needs
In the fast-paced B2C landscape, you need agile, customer-focused pricing strategies that can quickly respond to changing market demands. Whether it’s e-commerce, retail, or direct-to-consumer services, your pricing must resonate with your target audience while driving profitability.
How We Build Trust
Customer Insights: Our data-driven approach leverages consumer behaviour insights to tailor pricing strategies that align with your customer expectations.
Market Responsiveness: We create adaptable pricing strategies that allow you to respond to market trends and competitors swiftly, ensuring your offerings remain competitive.
Enhanced Customer Perception: Through clear, fair pricing structures, we help you build customer loyalty and trust, minimizing price sensitivity and fostering brand loyalty.
Understanding Your Needs
As a PE firm, you are focused on maximising the value of portfolio companies within defined timelines. Profit-driven pricing strategies are vital to your growth and exit objectives. We work with you to implement efficient, results-oriented pricing solutions that enhance profitability, reduce revenue leakage, and position your
How We Build Trust
- Focus on Value Creation: Our pricing strategies are designed to optimize revenue and profitability, enhancing portfolio value and positioning companies for successful exits.
- Performance-Driven Approach: We track key metrics and provide regular updates to ensure pricing initiatives are contributing to top-line growth and operational efficiency.
- Alignment with PE Objectives: We’re accustomed to working within the specific requirements of private equity environments, balancing long-term growth with the immediate financial goals of your portfolio.
Understanding Your Needs
As a consulting firm, you need a reliable pricing partner to enhance your client offerings and deliver added value to your partners. Our expertise can support your projects in revenue management, pricing transformation, and client profitability, providing an edge for your clients and enriching your service portfolio.
How We Build Trust
- Complementary Expertise: We provide specialised pricing knowledge to support your client engagements, enhancing the depth and quality of your offerings.
- White-Label Solutions: We offer flexible collaboration models, including white-label options, ensuring seamless integration with your existing services.
- Client-Centric Approach: Our solutions are designed to reflect your client’s specific needs, aligning with your consulting framework while providing measurable, actionable results.
Ils nous ont fait confiance
It is never a commodity! Value-based pricing and commoditisation
Executive Summary Think your product is just another commodity? Think again. A commodity is generally defined as a basic, interchangeable good with little differentiation in the eyes of the buyer. ...
Case Study: Transform Sales Teams with Customer Insights
Sometimes, the toughest barrier to a successful pricing shift is internal resistance. When teams resist, even the best-laid pricing strategies can fall short. Yet, by harnessing the power of direct ...
Case Study: A Start-Up’s Collapse Under Pricing Mistakes
This case study explores the pricing strategy challenges faced by a high-growth UK-based B2C tech start-up, whose well-intentioned price increases led to unforeseen consequences that almost destabilised the business. Amidst ...
Case Study: Drive Revenue With Strategic Pricing
This case highlights that pricing adjustments do not always need to be approached as price increases. By implementing a strategic, data-driven approach that considers market dynamics, customer expectations, brand positioning, ...
Delivering Pricing Expertise Worldwide
Our roots in London and Paris provide a strong foundation, but our reach extends far beyond. We’ve partnered with businesses globally, bringing our pricing expertise to diverse markets and industries. Whether you operate in a single country or span continents, our tailored strategies are designed to navigate local nuances while aligning with your global vision.
From multinational corporations to regional leaders, we specialise in helping businesses optimise pricing strategies, boost profitability, and achieve sustainable growth—wherever they are. With our experience working in various cultural, economic, and competitive landscapes, we’re equipped to deliver impactful results that resonate across borders.
Partner with us to unlock the potential of strategic pricing—globally.
United States
Central America
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Collaborez avec nous pour booster votre rentabilité
We pride ourselves on being sector-agnostic. Our approach is adaptable, ensuring that we deliver impactful pricing and revenue strategies regardless of the industry. Whether you’re in finance, technology, retail, healthcare, or manufacturing, we bring a fresh perspective grounded in best practices, analytics, and a deep commitment to understanding your unique business context. With experience spanning multiple sectors, we bring insights and best practices tailored to specific industry challenges. Here are just a few industries we’ve worked in:
Services financiers
Technology and SaaS
Consumer and Retail
Industrial and Manufacturing
Services aux entreprises
We approach each project with a sector-agnostic mindset, leveraging proven pricing frameworks and adapting them to the specific needs of any industry.
Financial Services:
In the financial sector, pricing must consider regulatory compliance, risk management, and market sensitivity. We help banks, Fintech, payment and insurance providers optimise their pricing models, supporting revenue growth while market constraints and regulatory demands.
Technology and SaaS:
For technology and SaaS companies, dynamic and value-based pricing is key to staying competitive. We specialize in creating scalable, subscription-based pricing models, helping companies design their offer packaging, maximize customer retention, minimize churn, and increase lifetime value (LTV).
Consumer and Retail
Consumer behaviour is highly dynamic. Our expertise in demand-based pricing and market segmentation allows retailers to respond to shifts in consumer expectations and maximise profitability. Whether in wellness, travel, or education, pricing strategies must resonate directly with consumer needs.
Industrial and Manufacturing
Manufacturing industries face unique challenges such as fluctuating raw material costs, complex supply chains, and B2B client expectations. We help industrial clients implement adaptive pricing strategies, manage cost fluctuations, and streamline operations for greater profitability.
Services aux entreprises
Pricing in business services requires flexibility and a clear value proposition. We help clients in services develop tiered pricing models, transparent billing practices, and client-aligned value strategies to drive growth and maintain profitability.
Our expertise extends to additional sectors such as telecommunications, healthcare, energy, transportations, and more. We approach each project with a sector-agnostic mindset, leveraging proven pricing frameworks and adapting them to the specific needs of any industry.
Success Stories
Our articles and case studies offer in-depth analysis and strategies across these industries and more. We’re committed to sharing actionable insights that empower organisations to refine their pricing models and drive sustainable growth.
Think your product is just another commodity? Think again.
This article challenges the misconception of commoditisation, showing how even the most standardised products can benefit from value pricing
We explore how in practise, almost no product is a true commodity and how KABEN can help you unlock optimal revenue by assessing and communicating value.
Sometimes, the toughest barrier to a successful pricing shift is internal resistance. When teams resist, even the best-laid pricing strategies can fall short. For the client in this case, allowing their Sales team to listen to customers’ candid appreciation of the platform’s unique value—and hear their willingness to pay more—proved pivotal. As a result, the company transitioned smoothly from a fluctuating transaction-based model to a stable, value-based subscription structure, boosting both revenue predictability and customer loyalty collecting an incremental £4m in the process.
This case study explores the pricing strategy challenges faced by a high-growth UK-based B2C tech start-up, whose well-intentioned price increases led to unforeseen consequences that almost destabilised the business amidst high-pressure investor expectations. Revenue increased by up to 700% after our intervention.
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